速報APP / 生產應用 / SpamSMS - Block Junk Messages

SpamSMS - Block Junk Messages


檔案大小:17.6 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 11.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


SpamSMS - Block Junk Messages(圖1)-速報App

Are you getting too many unwanted SMS or MMS everyday and you can’t find the important ones in your ‘Messages’? SpamSMS uses Apple’s all new CoreML Identity Lookup framework to filter the unwanted messages out and shows you the ones you actually want. 

- Custom Rules:

You may add your custom keywords & numbers to override the incoming message. Like if you always want to move the message which has the keyword ‘DOMINOS’ to spam. Just add the keyword ‘DOMINOS’ into the keyword list and enable it. Thats it !!!

You also can add rules based on number just like words, and specify them it should be filtered or not.

- Enable/Disable

SpamSMS - Block Junk Messages(圖2)-速報App

Anytime you can enable or disable the filtering criteria for the specific keyword and number. So no need to delete any item added by you.

- Clean UI

It has the cleanest and simplest UI so any one can easily understand the flow of app and use it with ease. For more details please go through the Walkthrough in the app.

- Offline Only

SpamSMS works only in Offline mode, so no need to worry even if you have no internet availability. Your privacy is well protected.

SpamSMS - Block Junk Messages(圖3)-速報App

- Walkthrough

The app has all the essential tutorial pages within the app. Go by them, it helps you to

set up the SpamSMS App Extension in your Settings. After set up, you can see two tabs in

your Messages App.

*Filtering Criteria:

SpamSMS - Block Junk Messages(圖4)-速報App

This app works only with SMS and MMS messages from unknown senders; it doesn’t work with messages from senders in a your Contacts list or with iMessage messages from any source.

What happens with filtered messages?

Notifications for Spam messages are disabled. And messages are sorted in the "SMS Junk" list of Messages App.

SpamSMS - Block Junk Messages(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad